HOA Info

Click Here for the HOA Meeting Schedule (on the News and Information Page)

President: Irene Nash
Vice President:  Tami McMinn
Treasurer: Bob Rossi 
Secretary: Diane Robey
Web/Communications: Diana Herrera 
ACC:  Jeff Sanden   Tami McMinn  David Jeffers
At-Large:  Nyla Kluska
At-Large:                                  Neighborhood Watch- 


Vista Estates has an HOA made up of volunteers from the neighborhood. Their job is to oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the common areas as well as enforcement of the CC&R's that everyone agreed to when they bought their homes. If you need to contact the board, you can use the form on this website, or you can email info@vistaestateshoa.org  Meeting dates and information can be found on our News and Information page.

Please read these documents over before starting on a project and send in a ACC request form when needed.  Below is a partial list of the CC&R's. The full CC&R's and ACC Forms can be found in the document library on this site.

In accordance with the covenants, all fences must be approved in writing by the ACC prior to installation. Please provide detailed plans regarding materials, appearance, and placement to the ACC.

Garbage Cans
Garbage cans shall be screened by adequate planting or fencing so as to conceal them from view from the street as best as possible. Because we've had bear problems, it is suggested that garbage cans be locked inside the garage until the morning of Trash pickup.

Major landscaping projects should be submitted to the ACC for approval. Please note: this does not include seasonal planting of flowers.

Lawns shall be maintained regularly. Please note: the ditches in front of your house are also your responsibility to maintain.

Each home owner shall keep and maintain each lot and structure owned by him, as well as all landscaping, in good condition and repair, including, but not limited to:
1.The repairing and painting (or other appropriate external care, including pressure washing to remove mildew) of all structures;
2.The seeding, watering, and mowing of all lawns; and

If you plan to change the exterior color of your home from the existing color, you must receive written approval from the ACC.

All pets must be kept on a leash and be under the physical control of a responsible person at all times while outdoors unless in an approved containment area. Feces left upon any common grounds or any lot by pets must be removed by the owner of the pet or the person responsible for the pet.

Business and Commercial Use. No visible or audible trade, craft, business, profession, commercial or similar activity of any kind shall be conducted on any lot. Nor shall any goods, materials or supplies used in connection with any trade, service or business be placed outside on any lot at any time in such a way as to be visible from the street, an adjoining lot or any common areas.

All buildings, sheds, fences, decks etc, must receive ACC approval prior to building.